Flowers of Camelot
For the most part, I focus on hippy/countercultural clothing for men. There seemed to be a lack of authentic looking clothing from the 60s and 70s for men, so I'm doing my best to fulfill that need.
Yet, I've always been fascinated with women's clothing from the late 50s and 60s. Jacqueline Kennedy popularized this simple, yet elegant style from her most casual, to her most formal attire.
The above ensemble replicates a dress designed by Joan Morse of A La Carte for the First Lady in 1962. King Saud gave her the flowery silk brocade fabric, which she had made into a dress with a matching pink top. A suitably royal garment for the Queen of Camelot, am I right?
I like your blog it is simply but the uniqueness is here. This flower Camelot style is very fashionable and I like the design on it very feminine.
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Thanks for the comment. The credit is all Joan Morse's, I've merely made a replica for virtual reality. Still, I appreciate your good taste!